Angela White
Sunday, July 14, 2024
10:00 – 4:00 pm (1/2 Hour Lunch)
$195 non-member/$180 member
$20 materials fee paid directly to the instructor
Location: Arts Benicia Annex, 991 Tyler Street, #116, Benicia
Level: All levels
Age minimum: 18+
Minimum 5 | Maximum 10
Class Description: Join Angela for this fun workshop for some who have little familiarity and some who have experienced working with the encaustic medium, but seek to refine their skills. Diversity of learning is covered, including the basic materials and techniques, safety issues, and discussions of supports, grounds, layering, scraping, fusing, transparencies, collage, and image transfer, including combination with oil and other media.
Select the appropriate member or non-member tuition rate.
Angela White is a fine artist who is inspired by physical, spiritual, and emotional memories that create the visual depth and density of her work. Abstracts and seascapes compose the majority of her compositions. Natural and sensual materials such as oils and encaustic paint allow the blending of edges to create visual depth. Angela’s work is featured in both corporate and private collections. In the past 20 years, Angela has exhibited oil, encaustic, and mixed media paintings extensively in juried shows across the DC metropolitan area as well as in New York and the West Coast. She holds two B.A. degrees and an M.A. degree from the University of Maryland.
Instructor website: