Hampton Deck
Sunday, January 15, 2023
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
$140 non-members/$125 members
$20 materials fee paid directly to the instructor
Location: Arts Benicia Annex, 991 Tyler St, #116, Benicia
Level: Intermediate
Age minimum: 18
Minimum 4 | Maximum 6
Class description: In this class students will have a chance to learn and practice more advanced paper marbling techniques. This class will be offered the day after a beginning class on Saturday, January 14th. Students can take both classes. If students sign up for this class, they will need to have taken the Marbling for Everyone class or have previous marbling experience. In this more advanced and limited enrollment class, the instructor will demonstrate more advanced marbling techniques, and students will try their hand at doing them. With fewer students, the instructor will be more available for “coaching” when the students are making marbled papers. Every student will produce at least 4 sheets, probably more, of beautiful, marbled paper.
Materials: All materials will be provided by the instructor: the marbling trays, the size, the paints, the tools, paper pre-treated with mordant, a draining board, a drying rack, etc.
Use the arrow in the box below to choose the appropriate member or non-member tuition rate.
Instructor email: hampdeck@aol.com
Instructor website: www.firstpresvallejo.org