Hampton Deck
Sunday, January 26, 2025 (This Class is Full to be added to waitlist email: info@artsbenicia.org)
1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
$140 non-members/$125 members
$30 materials fee paid directly to the instructor
Location: Arts Benicia Annex, 991 Tyler St, #116, Benicia
Level: Beginners
Age minimum: 18+
Minimum 6 | Maximum 10
Class description: Learn about the ancient technique of marbled paper and create your own sheets of marbled paper to take home. Each student will have their own marbling tray, set of acrylic paints, nails, rakes, and combs for use during the workshop. The instructor Hampton Deck will share classic paint patterns and alternate between demonstrating and helping students as they (learn to) do it themselves. You will produce many beautiful marbled papers for your own pleasure & use! Midway through the day
Hampton will show a Powerpoint presentation on the history and variety of marbling.
Please bring a bag lunch, snacks and something to drink. 5 hours is a long time and you may need a break.
Materials: All materials will be provided by the instructor: the marbling trays, the size, the paints, the tools, paper pre-treated with mordant, a draining board, a drying rack, etc.
Use the arrow in the box below to choose the appropriate member or non-member tuition rate.
Instructor email: hampdeck@aol.com
Instructor website: www.firstpresvallejo.org